Winter Emergency Car Kit and Tips
January 25 2021 - Nathan Rodriguez

Emergencies can happen to anyone at anytime! Whether you run out of fuel, puncture a tire, or slip off a snowy road, a car emergency kit can help you get back on the road safely and quickly. We've put together a list to help you stay prepared not matter what winter weather throws your way! Keep the following items in a bag in your trunk to help you incase of an emergency:

  • Ice Scraper/Snow Brush: keep your windshield and top of your car clear
  • First Aid Kit: a medical kit that can aid small cuts as well as a larger life-threatening injuries
  • Cell Phone Charger: a cell phone can be your lifeline to resources and rescue teams
  • Flashlight: when it's dark out see under the hood, signal for help, and illuminate your surroundings
  • Jumper Cables: jump start your dead battery with a 6 to 12 feet cable
  • Road Flares: signal for help or alert other drivers to slow down
  • Multi-Tool: a myriad of tools wrapped into one clean handle can save you space and time
  • Tire Gauge: ensure you are driving with the optimum inflation
  • Non-Perishable Snacks: nourishment and energy is important to stay alert and safe
  • Water Bottles: hydration is important to survive
  • Gloves & Hat: stay warm

For longer tips consider adding the following items to your emergency pack:

  • Snow Shovel: dig out mud, ice and snow
  • Hand Warmers: you can warm up your cold hands or dry out wet shoes with the heat packs
  • Snow Boots & Blanket: use it to stay warm

Cars driving on winter road

Before You Go

#1: If you must travel make sure to share your travel plans with someone.

#2: Check the Weather! Give yourself a heads up of what to expect for your travel plans. It's also a good idea to check out the condition of you vehicle. Pay special attention to your windshield wiper fluid, tire air pressure, and gas tank! Keeping your gas tank filled above halfway will help to keep your gas line from freezing up.

#3: Make sure your windows are defrosted and clear. Also be sure to clear snow and ice from the top of your vehicle!

Safety triangle on side of road with car

Winter Driving Tips

#1: Beware of black ice! Roads make look cleared off but they may still be slippery.

#2: If you get stuck in the snow without traction and don't have any sand/cat liter, use your floor mats or any cardboard you may have! Take them out of your car, place them next to your tires, and slowly inch your vehicle onto and across the mats.

#3: If you become stranded in bad weather don't leave your vehicle. Don't try to push your vehicle out of the snow either. Being on the side of the road in bad weather can leave you vulnerable to other vehicles passing by. To be safe, light flares in front of and behind your vehicle. Also, make sure to check your exhaust isn't blocked by snow or mud.

#4: Increase your following and breaking distance when driving in wintery conditions. The more distance between your vehicle and others, the more time you will have to react if another driver makes a mistake.


It is always important to be prepared and safe for whatever unexpected conditions arise driving on the road in winter! Keeping a properly stocked winter car emergency kit can help you in a number of situations. Say you have car trouble or slide off the road and get stuck! There are kits you can buy pre-made car kits in store and online but you'll most likely be able to find everything you need right in your home. For more safety tips check out our blog "10 Tips to Get Your Vehicle Ready for Winter".