Spring Cleaning and Car Maintenance Checklist
April 12 2021 - Nathan Rodriguez

The beginning of a new season is always exciting as people anticipate the change in weather, daily routine and new social activities that lie ahead. This time of year, it also prompts us to dust away the cobwebs with some spring-cleaning. Although we may dread the annual cleaning, it feels so good to start fresh and clutter-free for the spring season. It's important to take the time to clean up and tune up your vehicle as well to make sure it has the ability to help you enjoy the outdoors in the coming driving season. Here are our top 10 tips to spring clean your vehicle and get it ready for the weather and road ahead.

Drive into spring with a sleek, shiny vehicle for the sunny days ahead.

#1.Change Your Oil:  An oil change every time the season changes can extend a car’s life by thousands of miles, especially with an older engine.  Schedule an oil change at the start of spring to help your engine purr all season long!

Vehicle Technician Performing Oil Change

#2. Rotate Your Tires: 

This might seem like a no-brainer, but plenty of people leave the winter tires on their car all year long. Kind of like people who never take down the Christmas lights on their house. You probably equipped your vehicle with heavy-duty winter tires designed for extreme cold. Such tires aren’t meant for year-round driving, particularly in the rain and heat, so take those winter tires back off and put back on the all-season set. If you need assistance doing this, take your car into a service garage. #3. Check Tire Pressure: Wild temperature swings can result in uneven air pressure in tires, which results in advanced and uneven wear. Since tire pressure gauges are cheap and new tires are expensive, investing in a gauge is smart. Measure tire pressure after the car has been parked for several hours, and check its manual for the PSI that should register on the gauge. If there's a low reading, top off the problem tires at a gas station.

Vehicle Technician Checking Tire Pressure

#4. Check For Rust & Repair Any Scratches: Any small scratch or chink on your car’s exterior detail parts can invite rust. Winter is hard on exterior damage, so giving your car a once-over for signs of rust is worth the time. Serious body damage will require a trip to the body shop, but minor repairs can be done at home. There are companies that will match your vehicle’s paint color and send you a kit that makes the job easy. #5. Change Your Air Filter: One element rarely overused in the winter is the air conditioner. That doesn't mean its power and function hasn't diminished, though. Don’t wait until June to check whether your car’s air conditioner is working. Test it now so you have plenty of time for AC repairs if needed. Vehicle Air Filter #6. Detail Your Vehicle: If you live in an area that received lots of snow this winter, you're likely to have an accumulation of salt on, and especially under, your car. Winter elements can also cause damage to the inside of your vehicle. Tracked-in snow, mud, and slush can enter your car and stain your interior. Give your car #7. Replace Windshield Wipers: With April showers on their way, you’re in for some heavy showers. Winter can take a toll on your windshield wiper blades, so to prepare for spring showers, it’s a good idea to replace them. Newer blades will be more effective at clearing water, and will help you see. If your wiper blades are not clearing water effectively or cause streaking, it's probably time for a new pair. Get ahead of the changing seasons (and the bugs that come with it) by topping off your wiper fluid, too. Vehicle Maintenance Replacing Windshield Wipers #8. Check For Outstanding Recalls: The easiest way to check for a recall is actually to call your dealer and ask. Automakers and their dealers are required to fix recall issues at no cost, but many owners aren’t aware that their vehicles are under recall. You can also determine whether your vehicle’s infotainment system of computer systems can be updated. #9. Check Your Brakes: Examine your brakes. Like wipers, brakes take on a bigger role during wintertime and should be checked to ensure that they’ve survived. Listen for brake noises such as grinding, chatter, or squeals. Even if your brakes aren’t making any distinctive noises, it’s still a good idea for you or your mechanic to determine the amount of wear on the pads or drums. Vehicle Technician Changing Brakes #10. Get Rid Of The Junk In Your Vehicle: Our vehicles tend to collect junk over the winter months. Spring is the time to empty out all the cupholder, cubbyholes, and compartments. You should also remove any unneeded cargo from the trunk!  

Gear Up With Lia

Maintaining your vehicle to prepare and get through the winter months is relatively simple and can mostly be done yourself! However if you need assistance, The Lia Auto Group offers twenty two locations to conveniently service your vehicle across New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut. To schedule your auto maintenance and repairs with Lia click here. We’re ready to assist you with all your spring vehicle needs. Lia Auto Group Logo