Safety First: Summer Driving Tips
July 06 2020 - Nathan Rodriguez

  During the hot summer months it's important to remember to make sure vehicles are properly maintained and equipped with roadside emergency supplies to keep you and your family safe. Summertime often means summer travel and while your travel plans may be different this year, now is a good time to review these summer driving safety tips. Prevention and planning may take a little time upfront but will spare you from dealing with the consequences later down the road!

Hands On Vehicle Wheel


Getting Your Car Ready

Dead batteries, lockouts and flat tires are just a few of the most common reasons for breakdowns. Some of the most important summer driving safety tips highlight car care that can help prevent such problems! Batteries typically have a lifespan of about 3 to 5 years. Make sure to inspect the battery, charging system, and belts. Know the condition of your battery before you hit the open road! Scorching summer temperatures put serious stress on engines. The cooling systems in your vehicle protects your engine from overheating and should be flushed periodically as recommended by the vehicle's manufacturer. Make sure to also check hoses and belts for cracking and wear. Getting locked out of your vehicle is no fun, especially when you're trying to escape the hot summer heat! Take special care of your smart keys and keyless entry fobs. Always take your keys when exiting your vehicle, avoid exposure to water and replace the batteries as recommended by the vehicle's manufacturer. If possible, bring your spare key as a back up and keep it stored in a safe place just in case! Tires lose and gain pressure depending on the outside temperature. The amount of pressure a tire requires depends on the type of tire and vehicle. You can find the optimum air pressure printed on either the door jam, the side-wall of your tires or in your owner's manual. Don't forget about your vehicles spare tire, it's important to make sure it's properly inflated and available for use in case of emergency! Driver's should also check the vehicle's transmission, power steering and windshield washer fluids. Make sure each reservoir is full and be sure to use the type of fluid specified for your vehicle in the owners manual if any fluids need to be topped off. If you notice any sign of fluid leakage, take your vehicle to be serviced. For traffic safety pay special attention to your brake lights, headlights, turn signals, emergency flashers and interior lights!  

Emergency Kit

Even a well-maintained vehicle can break down. It never hurts to pack a "just in case" kit in your trunk. Your emergency kit should include items such as:

  • Jumper Cables
  • Flashlight
  • Emergency Flat Tire Repair or Spare Tire
  • Hazard Triangle or Road Flares
  • Jack
  • Extra Windshield Washer Fluid
  • Tire Pressure Gauge
  • Basic Repair Tools
  • First Aid Kit
  • Gloves, Blankets and Towels
  • Cell Phone Charger
  • Water and Non-Perishable Food Items

Vehicle Emergency Kit


Traveling with kids

Driving at night or leaving bright and early is one of the best ways to master driving with kids when taking long trips! This makes for a more peaceful atmosphere and gives kids a better chance to sleep for part of the trip. Whether traveling for short or long periods of time electronic devices can help keep children entertained but make sure not to overload with movies and apps! While having a copilot is nice for navigation and company, putting an adult in the backseat for part of the ride to play games or chat with the kids is another source of entertainment! There are also other dangers to children in and around cars. Temperatures inside a vehicle can spike dangerously high in just a few minutes. You should never leave your child unsupervised in a parked vehicle not even for a few minutes or with the engine running. However, long driving can be the perfect opportunity to teach children about safe driving at any age! Stoping every few hours to let kids stretch their legs can help them from getting to restless in the backseat and also gives you the opportunity for a quick break too!  

Tricky Time For Teens

Many studies show that more teenage driving deaths occur during the summer months than any other time of the year. Because teen drivers are less experienced they are more likely to be involved in more accidents than any other age group. Investing in a safe driver course for your teen is a great way for your teen to gain more driving experience and learn how to be safe with the hazards and dangers around them. Parent's can set a good example for their teens and model positive driving behaviors and attentive driving. It's also important to stay engaged with your teens driving behaviors and practice with them frequently!

Teens Driving Vehicle


On The Road

Keep your gas tank close to full whenever possible and on longer trips, plan enough time to stop and stretch, grab something to eat, return any phone calls or text messages and switch drivers to rest or if you are feeling drowsy. Avoid risky behaviors, you know the rules of the road. Do not text or drive distracted. This not only puts you but also the safety of others at risk! Obey posted speed limits and always drive sober. Both alcohol and drugs whether legal or illegal can impair the skills critical for safe and responsible driving such as coordination, judgement, perception and reaction time. It is illegal to drive impaired by any substance in all states, no exceptions.  

Share The Road

You're not the only one out enjoying the road this summer. Warmer weather also attracts more pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as motorcyclists which include riding in traffic lanes. When you're near a motorcyclist or a bicyclist, be sure to give them the same space as you would another vehicle. These road-users are more vulnerable because they do not have the protection of a vehicle and can stop in shorter distances because they are much lighter. Be sure to watch for children near places such as playgrounds but also keep an eye out for kids flocking to an ice cream truck or chasing stray balls!

Bicyclist Lane

Hit The Road

Lastly, don't forget to have fun this summer! Check out our "Beat The Heat: Car Care and Maintenance Tips" blog for more tips on how to maintain your vehicle throughout the summer months and keep it summer fun ready! If you need assistance gearing your vehicle up for your summer plans, The Lia Auto Group offers twenty two locations to conveniently service your vehicle across New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut. To schedule your auto maintenance and repair needs with Lia click here. We're ready to assist you with all your vehicle needs.