2019 Hometown Heroes Breakfast
March 11 2019 - doadmin

Western Massachusetts Hometown Heroes Breakfast 2019 Every day there are Hometown Heroes walking among us. You may have even met one and never even know it.  They help out others they may not even know by performing courageous acts of kindness.  Sometimes they do so on a daily basis.

What Makes a Hometown Hero?

They could be a person who performed CPR and saved someone's life at the post office. Maybe they rushed into a blazing inferno to save the lives of others. Perhaps they were so gracious that they decided to turn their home into a hospice for terminally ill homeless. Sometimes it could simply be a person that mentors others through a local program. A Hometown Hero could be someone who helps out an elderly man so that he can continue living in his own home. They could be someone who donates part of their liver to a relative. It could be someone who takes time to help out at a food pantry on a regular basis. Heroes come in many forms.  And while none of these individuals did what they did, or continue to do what they do for attention or glory, they most certainly deserve proper recognition for their deeds.

Hometown Heroes Breakfast

The time has come to honor several more local heroes for their selfless acts of kindness as the American Red Cross holds its 17th annual Hometown Heroes Breakfast on March 21, 2019. For the past sixteen years, the American Red Cross has held this event to commemorate the essence of humanitarianism.  Its purpose is to honor local residents of western Massachusetts who have shown true bravery, benevolence, and unselfish character through their acts of heroism.  With more than 500 local residents, community leaders, business owners, family and friends in attendance, this breakfast is also their largest fundraiser of the year.  The Lia Auto Group is proud to say that they will be in attendance at this amazing event.  We are also honored to be presenting one of the Hometown Heroes with their award. Funds raised from the breakfast support disaster relief throughout the greater Hampden, Hampsire, Berkshire and Franklin Counties of Massachusetts.

How to Nominate a Hometown Hero

What makes the Hometown Heroes Award even more special is that each of the recipients were nominated by another local person.  So if you happen to know someone is a hero in your community, perhaps they deserve a nomination.  Whether they are simply local citizens doing amazing things or professionals doing their jobs, let the Red Cross know about it.